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Download the latest beta

Interested in test driving beta versions of DTD? Look no further; this page allows you to download the latest versions of the game before they're made publicly available. 


Please note that beta versions are incomplete; any new features are experimental, and overall the game will be far less stable than the latest public release. For this reason, it's recommended that most people stick to the stable version, found here. FAQs can also be found below, which answer many common questions about beta versions.


You can download the latest DTD beta from GitHub using the button below. Please be sure to report any bugs you may encounter, or any suggestions, through this link.  New beta versions are released regularly, so please be sure to check this page often to ensure you don't miss out on new releases.


Can I install beta versions of DTD alongside stable releases?

Yes. Beta versions of DTD can be installed alongside an existing installation, meaning that you're not tied to one specific version. This means that you can still test new features within the beta version, whilst also still having normal access to the more stable release.


Can I run the beta on Windows?

Beta versions are only offered in Source Code format. On Windows, you'll need to download Python from here if it's not already installed. The setup process is identical to stable releases on Mac/Linux.


Is my save data from stable releases of the game transferable to beta versions? 

Yes. To transfer save data, simply locate the 'savedata.dat' files located in the same directory as the game (If you're running the Windows version, this is located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\DTDGame" by default), and copy these files to the same directory that the beta is saved to. If multiple 'savedata.dat' files exist followed by a number (IE: 'savedata2.dat'), these correspond to save slots. (For example, 'savedata2.dat' would contain save data stored in Save Slot 2.) Simply copy or skip these files as desired.


Where can I view the release notes of each new beta?

The best  place to stay up to date with changes across Beta versions of DTD is via the Dev Log file on the GitHub repo.


Do I run the risk of data loss if I load existing save data in a beta version?

Potentially. Given the unstable nature of beta software, you potentially run the risk of data loss if you save/load data. For this reason, it's recommended that you stick to using a stable release to play the game normally, and only use the beta version to test new features.


Can I request new features to be added to an upcoming beta?

You most certainly can, in fact this is a massive help; so much of what this game is has come about via the input of an amazing loyal fanbase. You can request a new feature here.

Need help?

Have further questions about installing the beta? Be sure to read the FAQ above. Additionally, the help page contains many suggestions encompassing all versions of DTD. Finally, you can submit a support ticket if you can't find the solution you're looking for.

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